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Planning Board Minutes 7/11/11
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
July 11, 2011

Members present:  GMorris, BMarshall (alternate for KO'Connell), PRenaud, MSteere, MBorden,

Mail Rec’d
  • Brochure from North Country Resource Conservation & Development
  • Selectmen Meeting Minutes dated June 29, 2011
7:01 GMorris opened the meeting with the comment that the minutes for June 27, 2011 meeting would not be read due to there not being a quorum present.

MSteere moved that the June 27, 2011 meeting minutes be listed as a matter of record due to a non-quorum agenda.  MBorden seconded the motion.  Vote carried in favor.

7:17 pm MSteere began reading the June 13, 2011 meeting minutes.  At 7:22 pm, GMorris continued.  Several spelling, punctuation and replacements of works were done.  Substantive changes were:

Line 46: “…require creation of a new driveway ….”
Line 60:  “Get the driveway permit first before building your new house as it could be a problem if you built without that permit and had no access to your home.”
Line 80:  “The loft will not be accessible to the public.”

7:27 pm MSteere motioned accept the June 13, 2011 meeting minutes as amended.  MBorden seconded the motion.  Vote carried in favor.

7:30 p.m. GMorris commented to the Board that he was going to schedule a PCC for Randy House, North Atlantic Tower for July 25, 2011.  BMarshall asked, “If this was a plan for the driveway that would meet our driveway regulations as set by the Board in conditional approval of the Zephyr Lake Tower?”  GMorris said he wasn’t sure, but the applicant does have one year in which to present a new plan.  BMarshall said, “let’s be clear that it has to meet the Towns driveway regulations and that we, the Board, will not allow “tweaking” nor get into another year long round of meetings to get this cell tower built.”

PRenaud questioned if he would have to recuse himself at the PCC as he has in past meetings.  The general consensus was that a PCC is informational only. MSteere felt that it would be OK that he, PRenaud, could ask any question he wants, but suggest no negative response from PRenaud.  After further discussion, it was decided that a PCC would be inappropriate for previously approved site plan and the RHouse should submit the driveway plan for approval to the Board.  GMorris will call RHouse to inform him and that the plan should be submitted in accordance with the driveway regulation as well as the list of abutters and mailing labels.

7:52 pm BMarshall led the discussion on the “Groundwater Protection Ordinance” draft.
He brought a large scale map showing the aquifers in the Town of Greenfield so the Board could see the geological locations in town.

The following sections are corrections or additions the Board would like to have put into the ordinance.

III Groundwater Protection District - on the map, the yellow areas are the stratified drift aquifers for the town.  BMarshall is going to ask LMurphy for a more clearly colored map to locate these aquifers and to have property lines and the zoning areas clearly delineated.

VIII Regulated uses – The Board is going to ask LMurphy to create a permit and to have attached to the permit the regulations and include the word designee after the Planning Board in first paragraph.  The word designee will be placed after Planning Board throughout the ordinance for consistency.  He is also going to have LMurphy put “and fees pass to applicant” at the end of the permit to cover expert reviews as needed.

IX. Performance Standards -  

  •  remove dry wells and used or maintained from sentence
X.  Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan (SPC)

First paragraph, insert Planning Board/designee instead of Emergency Management Director.
It was suggested that check boxes with Fire, Emergency Management, and Police be on the standard form for plans.

XI. Pre-Existing Nonconforming Uses –

  • Change of Use – specific use conditions to be listed, specific containment plans, mitigation plans to be filed with check boxes with Fire, Emergency Management, Police be on the standard form for plans.
XII. Exemptions

  • Change phrase of ’less than’ to ‘not more than’ 5 gallons
XIII. Inspections and maintenance -
  •  The town ‘may’ perform routine inspections… was suggested that the Select Board do the inspections or their designee
And to bring #3 to the end of the #1 sentence.

  • Insert ‘more than’ five gallon containers
Expanded List of Prohibited Uses

  • Remove the wording…transfer stations, publicly owned treatment works
  • Insert the wording….publicly owned and domestic septic systems and remove the     wording…which receive only domestic sanitary waste
  •  Leave in #3
  •  Remove from list
  •  Remove from list
  •  Insert the word ‘mass’ apparel production facilities and remove ‘fabric printing’
  •  Remove ‘wood preservation’
  •  Leave in #8
  •  Leave in #9
  •  Leave in #10
  •  Leave in #11
  •  Leave in #12, will re-visit for further discussion
  •   Remove from list
  •  Leave in #14
  •  Leave in #15
  •  Leave in #16, will re-visit for further discussion
  •  Leave in #17, will re-visit for further discussion
9:45 pm  MSteere informed the Board that the Highway Commission has come up with a number for road repairs per year - $500K and also that the Police Chief is willing to wait to get new vehicle in 2012.  So approximately every 2- 2 1/2 years the Police Dept will get a new vehicle. The Police Chief, depending up condition of car, will try to hold beyond 120,000 miles.  MSteere will have the Police Dept and Highway Dept figures together for next meeting.  

MBorden motioned to adjourn at 9:48 p.m MSteere seconded the motion. Vote carried in favor at 9:49 pm